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* If you make a donation via Paypal Giving Fun or CanadaHelps, you will receive your tax receipt by email directly from these organisations. For a one-time gift you will receive the receipt immediately; for monthly donations you will receive a receipt for the total amount at the end of the year.
* If you make a donation by cheque, Interac Transfer or Cash, you will receive a tax receipt directly from the Aylmer Food Centre. It will be sent by email if we have your email address, otherwise by the post if we have your postal address. Tax receipt for donation less that $20 are on request.
For all questions relating your donation or tac receipt, please communicate with the Donation Administrator at 819-684-0163.
* The Aylmer Food Centre is recognized as a registered charity organisation by Revenu Canada. Our registration number is 141580381RR0001.
Make your cheque out to the « Aylmer Food Centre ».
Indicate « Donation » in the subject line, and if the cheque relates to a particular fund-raising event (e.g., Golf, Guignolée).
Donation Administrator
Aylmer Food Centre
67 rue du Couvent
Gatineau, QC
J9H 6A2
A cash donation should be given in person at the Aylmer Food Centre C/O Donation Administrator.
*Your official receipt for income tax purposes will be sent during tax season.